Water is a constant theme in the lives of NRS ambassadors Adam Elliott and Susan Hollingsworth Elliott. When the self-described river rats went to Hawaii last spring, they left their boats behind but found plenty of watery recreation waiting for them on Kauai.
Last March, three generations of desert river-rats spent a good chunk of March in Kauai. Susan and I joined my sisters, brothers-in-law, nieces, family friends, and Dad’s girlfriend, to celebrate my Dad’s 70th birthday. Happy birthday, Dad! (Rob Elliott, “Pop-pop”, patriarch and star in Of Souls and Water, “The Elder”.)
For a small island, Kauai has a significant variety of climate and landscape. We spent our time hiking inland, along the coast, swimming with turtles, boogie-boarding and sun-bathing. To be able to do this with family and friends was a treat. However, we also made sure to budget in some extra time for just the two of us. It is no surprise that we found water everywhere; we began our three week vacation with a two day hike to possibly the wettest place on earth.